Qt Project Is Not Yet Configured

最后发布 2017 07 26 18 15 00 首发 2017 07 26 18 15 00.
Qt project is not yet configured. Won t do affects version s. When you open a project for the first time the configure projects view is displayed to let you select a set of kits that you want to use to build and run your project. Run the application again. Now it will run in a terminal window.
分类专栏 debug java. Project is not configured as a myeclipse web struts project. If angle also fails qt will fall back to software rendering which is the. Angle enables running qt applications that depend on opengl without installing the latest opengl drivers.
Below are typical default build settings for a newly created a pro user file which has not yet been configured for mavrk project builds. If you know you have installed a qt version but it is not listed in tools options kits qt versions select link with qt. Also check that your compiler is listed in tools options kits compilers. For this kind of project it should always run in a terminal.
Debug debug 2017 07 26 18 15 00 1678 收藏. A project file project name creator will be created inside the selected directory. Project build management. The application should run in the same way from the beginning.
If the qt version is still not listed under auto detected select add to add it manually. Click on finish to to open the mavrk qt demo gui project. When you install qt for a target platform such as android or qnx the build and run settings for the development targets might be set up automatically in qt creator. Go to file new file or project other project.
Select the directory where the source files c h of your openfoam application are. Click on the run configuration without changing anything. Go to projects mode. 右键选择打开方式 如图这样就可以解决 qt the project is not configured debug debug csdn 认证博客专家.
A screen will pop up. This means that it tries to use system opengl and falls back to angle which is bundled with qt and depends on the directx sdk if native opengl does not work. By default qt is configured to use dynamic opengl. 3 1 starting a project.
版权声明 本文为博主原创文章 遵循 cc 4 0 by sa. Give your project a name and select the location to your project source tree. Click on the projects icon red box to configure the mavrk qt gui project user build settings. Run in terminal is already checked.
For more information see adding qt versions.